Software Integrations

Trusted Cloud-Ready Video Appliances

Harmonize Bridge, powered by Tiger Technology, allows users to store data on-premises as well as in private and public cloud platforms, all while maintaining legacy applications and workflows. Harmonize Bridge is a smart and highly cost-effective option for deployments that intend to expand their systems’ size.

Key Benefits

• Store, protect and manage your sensitive data on-premises, as well as in private and public clouds.
• Choose your preferred cloud provider.
• Seamlessly manage cloud storage and services, all while maintaining legacy applications and workflows.
• Integrators can continue to provide on-site hardware with the new, added capacity of cloud storage products in order to give end-users more immediacy and flexibility than ever before.

Optimized for Speed and Low Latencies

Harmonize Bridge is a file system level connector that monitors every file system operation. As such, it never needs to crawl the file system for detecting changes. In addition, it is highly optimized for high-performance applications, with finely tuned multi-threading to ensure minimal latency and fastest updates.

Don’t Lose Data

Harmonize Bridge allows camera servers to write video feeds to a local drive before it gets replicated to the cloud. This buffer ensures that all data gets recorded prior to being encrypted and transferred to the cloud.

Scale With Ease

Harmonize Bridge is ready to scale whether more cameras need to be recorded, video retention requirements increase or if the number of project sites expand.

Leverage the Processing Power of the Cloud

Unlike other popular gateway solutions that transfer blocks of data to the cloud, Harmonize Bridge only transfers files. This ensures the same file and folder structure are accessible from within the cloud as well as your local server.

Run Your Existing Applications

VMS providers such as Genetec or Milestone, are optimized to write to a local NTFS file system. By presenting cloud storage as an extension to the local NTFS file system – as opposed to an external SMB share — Harmonize Bridge enables your applications to interact with cloud storage in a completely transparent way.

As Secure as it Gets

Because they present themselves as a SMB share, many cloud storage gateway technologies are vulnerable to network intrusions. Harmonize Bridge runs directly from your server’s memory and https encryption takes place before any critical data leaves your network.