Vigilant ClientPortal Integration

  • Overview
  • Integration Model

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) helps to bridge the gap between law enforcement operations and the local businesses they serve, with the goal of creating a safer community. It is critical that the foundation of the community’s public safety efforts are grounded by transparency and trust. Through innovative and collaborative license plate sharing programs where businesses** opt in to share their license plate recognition (LPR) camera data with law enforcement, businesses are aiding agencies with data critical to ensure a safer community.


Every licence plate read is sent to the designated agency’s LEARN account. Data includes licence plate, image of the vehicle, GPS location associated with the camera and date and time of the license plate recognition read.


If a customer does not have a cloud-connected ACC setup and Vigilant ClientPortal account, they will be created for each ACC customer. Within ClientPortal the customer configures plate data retention policies and sharing with designated law enforcement agencies.


License plate data shared with and stored in Vigilant Systems are wholly owned by the customer. ACS does not retain any license plate data once the data is sent to the Vigilant ClientPortal. Retention policies for license plate data are set by the Site Administrator in ACC and ClientPortal, respectively. Data shared by ClientPortal with LEARN follows the data retention policy set by the Site Administrator in the Vigilant ClientPortal.


Data transmission uses industry standard encryption. Data stored in ACC and ClientPortal can only be accessed by authorized personnel. Avigilon and Vigilant Technical Support personnel cannot access customer data unless authorized. Access authorizations can be revoked at any time by Site Administrators through user management interfaces in ACC and ClientPortal.