BCDVideo Accelerator (BVA)

BCDVideo Accelerator (BVA)

Tested extensively in BCD’s Innovation Lab on a 1GbE network, the BVA can sustain 700 Mbps of throughput. When an upgrade to a 10GbE network kit is included, throughput surpasses 2.2Gbps.

Traditionally, to reach 700 Mbps of throughput, a system would need to have eight 15K SAS, and to achieve 2.2 Gbps, multiple systems would have to be used, each adding to the total cost.


When a system is built with the BVA, many areas of performance overhead are removed. Total disk I/O bandwidth often limits the capacity to write live video while reading video to archive. Milestone Appliances utilizing the BVA are able to standardize archiving video every two hours as a best practice without negatively impacting the live video database’s performance.


With the BVA, the total storage of each system can be fully leveraged, unlike traditional configurations using live drives. A BCD218 with the BVA can fully achieve its 252TB/216TB SATA/SAS storage. This allows for security deployments to be fulfilled with fewer servers, while significantly reducing both the initial cost of hardware, as well as the operating expenses.